Open OnDemand Preview
We are making Open OnDemand available as a "technology preview" (it's not quite "beta" status yet) at Open OnDemand makes it easy to run certain applications in a graphical manner. Open OnDemand will launch a job on a compute node and you will be presented with the graphical interface of that application. You can also upload and download files through Open OnDemand's web interface.
Currently supported applications:
- Gaussview
- JupyterLab
- Stata
- VS Code
Documentation is currently non-existent and we may rearrange and reword various items. Things might break during this technology preview phase.
If you would like to try out Open OnDemand, please do so and let us know how it goes. We would like to hear about problems, missing features, as well as any comments about how useful this might be to you or your colleagues. We will consider adding additional applications depending on demand.
If you want a full graphical desktop, you can still use FastX.
Here is what the landing page currently looks like:
Last changed on Wed Mar 20 11:09:39 2024