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Linux Tutorial

Typographical Conventions

Introduction: The Linux Operating System

Chapter 1: Directories and the Filesystem

  1. Listing files and directories
  2. Making Directories
  3. Changing to a different Directory
  4. The directories . and ..
  5. Pathnames
  6. More about home directories and pathnames

Chapter 2: Basic File Operations

  1. Copying Files
  2. Moving Files
  3. Removing Files and directories
  4. Displaying the contents of a file on the screen
  5. Searching the contents of a file

Chapter 3: I/O Redirection

  1. Redirection
  2. Redirecting the Output
  3. Redirecting the Input
  4. Pipes

Chapter 4: Filenames and Getting Help

  1. Wildcards
  2. Filename Conventions
  3. Getting Help

Chapter 5: File Permissions and Process Control

  1. File system security (access rights)
  2. Changing access rights
  3. Processes and Jobs
  4. Listing suspended and background processes
  5. Killing a process

Chapter 6: Useful Odds 'n Ends

Chapter 7: Compiling software packages on Linux

  1. Download source code
  2. Extracting source code
  3. Configuring and creating the Makefile
  4. Building the package
  5. Running the software
  6. Stripping unnecessary code

Chapter 8: Environment variables

  1. About environment variables and how display them
  2. Using and setting variables
  3. Setting environment variables in the .bashrc file
  4. Setting the path

Additional Information

History of UNIX

  • UNIX was originally developed at Bell Laboratories as a private research project by a small group of people. Read all about the history of its creation. Linux is a UNIX-like operating system.

Introduction to Linux

  • A guide from the Linux Documentation Project about the basics of Linux.

Bash Guide for Beginners

  • A beginners guide to using the bash command-line and shell scripting.