Office of Research Computing

RHEL 6 Image Beta

This page contains documentation on the RHEL 6 Beta program, used to beta test the upcoming software image based on RHEL 6. This page will document some of the differences that users need to be aware of.


If you have support questions or concerns, please open a ticket on our website. In order to make it easier on us, please start the subject of your ticket with the word BETA.


Instead of the old mpi-selector functionality, we are now using a system called Environment Modules. Please read this document for more specific details.


You may access a login node with the new system image via ssh to the host There is currently only one interactive node available, so please be considerate of others, and do not crash it if possible. We make no guarantees as to the availability of this resource.


Resources Available

All of m7 and a few m6 nodes have the new image. m6 nodes will begin receiving the new image in a rolling fashion over the coming weeks.

Submitting Jobs

You may submit jobs from the betassh interactive node, or from any other interactive nodes. To gain access to the beta resources, you will need to include the "beta" feature, as shown in this example:

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:beta,walltime=30:00,pmem=2gb

Known Problems

We are currently aware of a problem with interactive jobs (eg "qsub -I") on the betassh interactive node. We are working on this problem. For now, please avoid using interactive jobs on the beta image.